Friday, June 29

Untitled, for now

It was going to begin with the tweet

"Lady behind me "hasn't been gambling in six months". I be her she won't last the flight."

But then I needed Some context.

I started writing

"at the airport. Let's get this party started. #therewillbenopartyattheairport"

Then I realized that I did t care enough to send it, so why would anyone on twitter care to read it. Or anyone at all. Save yourself, dear reader. By the way, thanks for stopping by.

I was listening to the lady behind me because I'm here four hours early because my loving gf wanted to make sure I arrived here, not wanting to leave anything to chance, two busses or a distractible, thirty-something.

That reminds me, I need to change the banner.

I'm glad you still showed up. You may have had trouble finding it since I laid to rest the dot 'ca' address. It my be occupied by a squatting robot by now, I hope it doesn't write better than I do. I'd hate it if my writing voice could be reproduced by an algorithm.

Currently I'm routed North of Edmonton, with a short layover in Calgary. The connecting flight, however, will be a car. The pilot's my brother-in-law and the in-flight meal will be granola bars and sandwiches and some sort of beverage.

I love travel.

Stay tuned for more western stories, as well as some teaser posts about my upcoming Mexican experience.