the irish lift their heads briefly from their pints to take the piss out of the dumb yankee and his silly traditions. Ha, i say to myself ... little do they know ...
Prior to the conversion of the Irish Celts, Saint Brigit's Day was known as Imbolc, one of four seasonal junctions in the pagan calendar of Ireland. It was the start of spring, and its name refers to "ewes' milk" and to the birth of farm animals. Imbolc was dedicated to the Celtic goddess Brigit, who was associated with learning, poetry, crafts and healing. Many of her pagan characteristics were retained when she was made a saint. [source]but try bringing that up in bar conversation without more ridicule. i guess i'll just have to just bask in my own brilliance and ability to perform simple internet searches.
it snowed here yesterday morning, in big meaty flakes. a yard in canada would have been covered in a thin fluffy sheet, ready to be tramped or shaped or folded into boulders. however, the concrete covered yard in ireland ate them, all of them. they fell to the concrete reluctantly joining the growing water slick. it was odd, disappointing almost; seeing the snow, knowing it's potential, and then ... nothing. like irish soil rejected the idea of snow. all that snow falling and nothing to show for it. waking up an hour later i wouldn't have believed it had snowed at all.
the snow fell harder. my view from the kitchen window cut out the yard floor and, unless i stepped out into the yard, it looked like the whole world was snow white. it was great, a bit of home. one of those things eh ... don't know until it's gone. i had my moment though. seeing a bit of snow recharged me more than a week of sleep.
i've given my one month's notice at which time i'll depart on my trip around europe and maybe ireland. before i left i was told i should travel without flying.
i'll let you know if it's possible since i've failed so far.
Happy Feb. 2nd to you also
We have lots of snow & wind & the kids had Wed, Thursday & Friday off school.
Snow squalls in the lea of lake Huron ( sound familiar )
Sorry to hear about your fingers.
The internet likely provides a stitch removal 101.
Enjoying your experiences but glad I'm here.
hey man. i have heard mad good things about being able to buy train passes to travel around europe. also, go to prague and get the street meat. i literally lived on it for two days there. and.. ummm... i was going to talk about it snowed here on the same day but then this grant fellow both stole my topic of discussion and misappropriaed my last name. so I'm lost. and totally out of my element Donnie. much love from the Bdot.
squalls sound familiar, but totally alien. i miss snow pants ... and i haven't wore them in ten years.
the stiches are out and the wound is clean. it's been neat watching it heal ... the scar tissue creeping across my knuckle.
i've heard of these euro rail passes, they sound neato.
(i hope the new batman doesn't get postponed given recent things coming to lightz)
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