Tuesday, July 8

The Fuel Thingy

When we had the car looked at before leaving I had an injector replaced. Its the thing that puts fuel into the piston, as far as I know.

At least, that's what Roberto told me. Or might have told me - he spoke quickly.

I got a refurbished one cause it was cheaper, however it turned out not to be.

Before Roberto left the house on Thursday he also topped up the oil. He dribbled a bit on the engine, so when I smelled gas over the next couple of days I assumed it was cause the oil was still hanging around.

Turns out that it was the refurbished fuel thing that was sealed correctly and .... well, it's science and I won't bore you.

Also, I don't really understand it.

Point is we were half way through Mexico stopping at every building that looked like they knee stuff about cars. 

One guy went to pick up his buddy who proceeded to tell us that we needed a mechanic.

That bit of advice cost us two large beers.

The lads that did end up helping us hosed us on the price bit we were in the middle of no where with no hope of doing it ourselves and too high on fumes to make an argument about anything.

The car got fixed and we were back on the road in 45 mins. Happy and hot and tired and sweaty.

But, fully operational.

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