Wednesday, April 21

Roughed up Ideas

Roughed up Ideas
Until I find a better mobile bloggers app I will be roughing up ideas on my notepad app and emailing them to blogger. Until I get used to it, or until I get fed up and go back to using a full sized computer, you may have to forgive some minor typos.

Though so far the predicuve text has fixed everything.

(I guess it doesn't know how to spell predictive)

I am writing this way for two (quick) reasons ...

1) I went back to my house at school for a few days to wrap up my exams and move out. I have no essays or major research tasks so I left my laptop behind. There are less distractions from studying if I can't flip on four episodes of Dexter on a whim.

Yes. I understand the irony in my having found a distraction anyways, but I've come to terms with it ... As I am sure you have too.

2) when I head out east this summer I would like to be moving as light as possible, which, ipso facto, leaves me without a laptop. I will be blogging, it's just that I don't know what I'll be blogging on.

Grayson manages just fine working from cafè's he finds, an option I haven't ruled out.

It will be nice becuse I don't know how to make hyperlinks on this notepad program.

And before I get to a third reason I will sign off and get back to either studying or bed, I haven't decided which yet.

Tomorrow I write an exam for Reading Fiction, which I will do well on.



Sent, with love, from Nowhere, Particular

Thursday, April 8

Université du Moncton

Oh exams, you are what I did not miss about school.

I like the essays, and the take home assignments due a week later, and the lectures and the young minds and the society of school.

But the exams are a bane, a thorn, a nuisance.

We spend twelve weeks learning great, new ideas then have two hours to get it all out on paper. I don't get it, I really don't get it.

In other news, I received word this week that I will be studying at Université du Moncton for five weeks starting at the end of May. Just so you're aware, I may start writing in French soon so I can get into the zone for a month of hardcore learning. Part of the challenge of the course out east is not to speak any English at all, and if I am caught three times I'm sent packing.

I'm really excited, and I'll share that excitement with you through here.

dans l'attende de votre résponse,
i am looking forward to hearing from you,
(... but i searched for that one the web)


(one of my exam questions is on the film Hamlet (2000) starring Ethan Hawke, Julia Styles, Bill Murray, et al. Just in case I loose the link to an online copy of the movie I'll post it here)

Saturday, April 3

3:25, time to shower

I was picked out of the class to show a head stand. I feel this is my greatest accomplishment this week, mind you this week hasn't been very productive. I mean, I haven't even had a show yet today, and it's already 3:16; I am sure it will be closer to four before I take care of that little issue. Good thing my clothes don't judge me for smelling the way I do.

I slept through the pagan new year, I haven't got a clue if anyone was fooled. The only one who respects that holiday in the family is you, mom. I imagine you caught a fair few of the nursing staff off guard with some crazy stunt. I can't wait to hear about them.

I called the people at Trois Pistole. The lady on the phone said she didn't know the status of my application but that I would be getting a letter in the mail soon. Western sent me an email to check my student account for information they sent to it. Jokes on me because I haven't a clue how I check that email. I had forgotten what it is like to be a clueless first year, however this time around I give a crap and know that no one is going to check it for me.

I certainly wish they would, or at least share with me the secrets of the website. I can see why people stay loyal to a system the know; it's mostly so they don't have to learn a new one.

All in all, I did get to do a head stand for the class. Slowly bring myself up onto my head and forearms, then slowly and controlled, lower myself back down onto the mat. We then learned a prep move that will eventually have me balanced on my forearms only, my head won't touch the mat, with my quads vertical and my knees bent and my feet resting on my head.

Thursday, April 1

not doing homework

my room is still an arrangement
of books and clutter and mess

so i grab a blue bin

how do socks wiggle their way into small places
how did i get so many so many socks

an ancient plate of peanut butter
several empty coffee mugs
stacks of unused folded
loose leaf lined paper
a half eaten plum

but the plum is from today -

my four new juggling balls
provide a wonderful distraction
because after all isn't this what
a day like today is all about?
