Thursday, April 8

Université du Moncton

Oh exams, you are what I did not miss about school.

I like the essays, and the take home assignments due a week later, and the lectures and the young minds and the society of school.

But the exams are a bane, a thorn, a nuisance.

We spend twelve weeks learning great, new ideas then have two hours to get it all out on paper. I don't get it, I really don't get it.

In other news, I received word this week that I will be studying at Université du Moncton for five weeks starting at the end of May. Just so you're aware, I may start writing in French soon so I can get into the zone for a month of hardcore learning. Part of the challenge of the course out east is not to speak any English at all, and if I am caught three times I'm sent packing.

I'm really excited, and I'll share that excitement with you through here.

dans l'attende de votre résponse,
i am looking forward to hearing from you,
(... but i searched for that one the web)


(one of my exam questions is on the film Hamlet (2000) starring Ethan Hawke, Julia Styles, Bill Murray, et al. Just in case I loose the link to an online copy of the movie I'll post it here)

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