Friday, April 29

searching for the organic

[note: I wrote this a while back, saved it to draft and I'm posting it now. I share these sentiments, however I don't remember what interview it was for. enjoy]

damn it.

why can't I have a good answer for what leadership means to me? i was asked in an interview last night and I totally froze. It was as if I had never heard the word before or that I didn't know they were going to ask me a leadership associated question.

my resume, as resume's should be, is riddled with evidence of a past of leadership. I have a past of leadership, a lot of it ... but I couldn't tell them what leadership meant to me.

what does leadership mean to anyone?

this post isn't going to solve that for me, I really just have to sit down and write an answer for myself that I can talk about in my next interview. If I delve into it now it will sound too mushy and forced.

That's it - I didn't know how to answer it because I didn't want to sound mushy and forced, I wanted to sound organic and honest.

instead I sounded like a bumbling baboon.

and how do you motivate people, birdley?

.. i uh .. i talk to .. find .. uh .. them tick ..

I have a smashing resume and I'm bountifully articulate, but I can't talk about it for the life of me.

damn it.

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