Monday, April 25


Today is the day i sit around in my underwear and write and write and write. (I apologize for the visual, but that is what today is about.)

Today is also about haircuts, cleaning and making lists of lists on giant whiteboards. Today I wish my whiteboard was a giant tablet that allowed me to write as clearly as I do on a whiteboard but also let me save my scribbles as a jpeg.

(wouldn't that be cool!)

today is a day for deciding my three day old beard needs to be shaved off because the transitional period of itch isn't worth it. i don't know how I ever convince myself that it is. I look forty and I have to keep it trimmed. If I don't, I look forty and homeless.

Today it will dawn on me that in a week I'll be homeless.

Today might be the day I learn to use the SHIFT key instead of powering over letters that need capitalized. When I write I get lazy and never touch it. THen I go back over my post and have to highlight and delete and change and I am just as bored correcting it as you are with this sentence.

Today I might go to a coffee place and write and write and write. But first, the pants.

Thanks for reading.

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