Tuesday, July 10

A Holiday

(I found this in my drafts folder)

Lightly tapping on the table, Uncle Dude stares at his phone. Small
one was bursting with excitement and could hardly control herself
while he waited in line for a smoothy. It wasn't the smoothy she cared
about, in fact she hardly touched it when he brought it over. Mommy
was seated quietly next to small one looking rather disengaged, uncle
dude was tapping away on his phone.

"stop that" he said, "you'll get me sick." Small one looked just as
confused as you do right now - as she had no idea what she had done.

"he needs his space" she said in a way that redefines passivity.

"this is my cylinder", he said gesturing to his sphere.

Small one's expression might have resembled an emotion close to <I>
why did you just say cylinder<\I>, but since she didn't know what
cylinder meant she cocked her head to one side and smirked.

"yeah" small one smiled, "well this is my sillindinar", supporting my
theory completely.

Uncle Dude tapped tapped tapped on his phone some more and then
stopped. Small one had started to work on her smoothie again and mommy
had drifted off somewhere.

Uncle Douche stood up and said "mumble mumble", or something equally
unrelated and motioned for Small One and Disenchanted to follow him,
which they did. Small one skipped a bit until momma reached for her
hand to keep her grounded. Uncle dude walked several paces ahead of
the pair with his nose once more burried in his phone.

Merry Christmas kid, I sure hope your mom finds a less douchie dude by
next holiday season.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

yes, I wrote this before. Sorry for the clip show