Thursday, November 15

jig'ity jig

it wasn't until i landed in France that i learned how much i didn't like change. as far as i was concerned i was able to deal with change with a fluid, adaptable patience adjusting to my environment like a chameleon. i was concerned that far, that is, up until a week ago.

mandy, only a short year ago, one year from my adventure in fact, set out for France on her own and it is becoming more apparent everyday just how difficult that must have been for her. as i left the arrival terminal in france it became very much apparent that i was not in a place that i could get around easily, however, being that adaptable person i though i was i quickly became comfortable with my environment. so comfortable, in fact, that i felt as though i could have stayed there long enough to catch my flight home six days later. perhaps i could pick up a job helping that man out over there sweeping i would say to myself.

i was happy at the airport.
i didn't want to leave.
i was perfectly content.

but the man with the broom directed me to a man at a desk who knew a little english, who directed me to man at a desk outside who knew a great deal of french. Desk Outside told me something that wasn't in english. I purchased a ticket from Desk Outside because Desk Inside told me to do so.

with my ticket in hand i got on the bus that the other two people at the stop got on to and it took me to a big place that my map told me was an Opera house. I knew this because Desk O had circled it in english; i'm not sure what i would have done had he have done this in french. At the opera house i lucked upon asking a pair of German tourists who had clearly arrived on the same bus as i and who were clearly at more of a loss than i because i don't believe they found a German Desk Inside. I knew this until they politely told me they didn't know how to help me and confidently parted ways with me in a way that left me standing staring at the large Opera house that was circled in english.

i would have liked to stay at the airport.


Anonymous said...

this should help

watch and learn.

Anonymous said...

I know its hard but I hope Paris was worth it. its too bad you were there during a strike but when i come over, we'll do it all again! keep smiling. it gets easier. : )

--b said...

oh, there is more to the story so don't you worry. i'll tell more over the next couple of days

Kristine said...

Brad, I know what you mean about Paris! When I was there we wanted to find a McDonalds. I wanted to ask someone walking past, a local figuring they would know where it was. I don't know much french so all I said was "McDonalds?" and the two people I asked both said..."No English"...I thought the word "McDonalds" was pretty universal...guess not! Hope you had a good time eventually :)