Wednesday, November 21

nothing draws a crowd better

the mona lisa painting was the size i thought it might be, as i was told, and so might you be told, that the painting isn't the size you'd expect it to be. but if you were to be asked what makes a person more allert in the morning, an apple or a cup of coffee... what would you answer? the crowd around the mona lisa was much larger than i expected it to be.

I was on a bike tour the day before; well, two actually. they went all sorts of places, highlighting all sorts of buildings and telling me all sorts of things that may or may have registered because i was happier than a pig in poop to be back on a bike. i hopped on my beach cruiser named johnny depp and beached cruised the asphalt shores of paris missing most of what the tour guide had to say.

back to the bit about the louvre ... which i suppose i haven't mentioned yet. the Mona Lisa is hung in a room in the Louvre Museum, Paris, France.

on the bike tour the day before i met four canadians, the tour guide dubbed us Team Canada later that night. we ended the trip on a boat at night with a gaggle of Boston women who were entertained by yours truly for a good hour and a half after yours truly consumed a good one and a half times my weight in cheap french wine. it was while we consumed the remainder of wine that the guide gave us our name.

a girl from Chatham, Ont. was also on the trip and i am sure we would have bonded over the fact that a wise man i know once worked in that particular city had i have been able to remember then names of people he worked with. there were a pair from BC, and another guy from St. Thomas Ont.

that following morning the two dudes from BC and i made our way to two closed museums. to celebrate the fact that they had ruined the last day of their european trip they treated me to lunch for which i paid my share. I was pleased that the nice man sitting next to us chose to share his cciggarrette with us. i thanked him for the opportunity to which he replied i'm gonna
eat your soul ... not give you a tip ... stare at you and make you feel uncomfortable if you don't shut up now. I thanked him for his time and he told me I was number one. I shrugged my shoulders to let him know i didn't know the proper way to respond back in sign language.

while walking to the closed museums we were stopped by laurel, whom you know as Chatham, Ont. who was on a walking tour. While at the louvre later that afternoon, by myself because the BC boys were still cornered by the angry cciggarrette smoking man, i was enjoying the end of a da Vinci Code tour that i had paid too much for, my arm was grabbed by Chatham and i was dragged through the louvre again with her and an australian she met on the walking tour and then later climb the Arch de Triumph - which was beautiful and well worth having my arm removed.

paris isn't that big right! everyone runs into people from southwestern ontario ... three times ... when they travel there.

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