Sunday, May 30

Sans wifi


I am moved in and unpacked and napped and coffeed.

(I figure since this is my last day with the English language I can butcher it as much as I want. Feel free to use those new verbs I just created. You're welcome.)

I have also met my roommate, Ryan. Or Adam, I can't remember for sure. When I met him I did a name association for myself but made the mistake of using Adam Ryan as a memory tool. I even asked the nice girls whom are moving everyone in to remind me, but that didn't work worth a darn. Now I'm banking on him forgetting my name and doing our introductions again.

I hope he doesn't cheat like I did.

A Twenteen is an early twenty-something who hasn't quite given up the shreeking and giggling and "you're-such-a-sl*t-ing" from their late teen years.

When I went to the local fast-coffee joint I over heard three young women talking about the french program and I was about to say hi until they openly labled themselves as a gaggle of twenteens.

I kept my bearded mouth shut and sat in the corner and watched an 85 yr old hit on a pair of 89 yr olds.

I sure hope I find more thirty-ishes like my roommate (although he might be closer to a 1/4 lifer if I am not mistaken).

Anyway, I should finish my sub and get back to french school. I just wanted to let you know that I overheard the twenteens say that they didn't know what they'd do because we weren't getting access to the campus wifi.

My updates may be coming from my phone when I get around to it.

Miss you,


Sent with love, from Nowhere, Particular

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