i've was just bullied by the new post button.
when i logged on I felt it looking at me. I could feel a button looking at me.
where do you think you've been? it asked. i know it did. i felt it ask me.
around. i've been around. doing .. stuff. busy, you know. work. school. those big reports are due soon ..
I could feel myself drifting into a conversation that would soon sound like that virus email that went around about a month ago.
I am sure you know the one. It took hold of your address book and told everyone your sorry for not having talked for a while, but that you knew they were busy with work/family/travel. .. but anyways, i just found this incredible site that allowed me to make hundreds of dollars a day by ..
(it was sent to me by a friend whom i ran into a week later and never got a chance to tell him about it because i never called him back and i've only just realized now. E#.)
the new post button starred back at me, obviously not taking my crap filled crap story. it raised it's eyebrow.
what, you think you can just stroll back in here and do what you want?
i shrugged my shoulders and smirked a bit. you're a button, not a person. leave me alone.
but thanks for a posting topic
i wonder why my first posts written after short hiatuses are typically about writing or not writing or not knowing what to write about.
I think it's part of blogging! I do the same thing! It's only recently that I stopped bothering because when I looked back on my blog all I could read were endless streams of very heartfelt but still unresolved apologies!
you know, i've felt the same at times. i'll keep that in mind when i post next ... in three months time.
I would prefer if you were more diligent. I love your blogs. Even if they are about blogging.
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