Saturday, May 17

Jack Bauer

What i've learned about english is that we actually have sayings that are cooler than we think. I am sure you've been in a spot where you're chatting away to someone and they'll pull out some wicked saying to express their emotions about how that bird just voided on their puma's and you stand there gapping wishing that you had something as colourful to say.

it means the son of a donkey's illegitimate child with a humming bird
wow, we don't have anything like that in english you say.

but, little do you realize, we do.

i believe the main reason we don't know about them is because we haven't had to translate them litterally into another language. in fact, our language is full of them and if you pay attention your likely used one just this morning.

a few to think about are...

eves dropping; bone head; cute chick;

and of course, one of my favourites, not her strong suit.

anyways, the reason i thought of all this was because another helpex'r said that about his girlfriend. it made me think about it, and figure out why it meant what it meant and then made me wish i knew more people who played eucher.

(consider also telling someone they have been trumped, euchered or have renagged outside the context of a card game.)

you can find more at the Dictionary for Urban Language website. There isn't a link here because we run a family blog and most of the DUL isn't for family audiences; if you want to find it, you will.

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