Friday, May 30

to get fat/to snore

The other day, I decided to spend the afternoon in a park. Because it was finally not raining, I felt I should get outside and do something.

I brought my french book, my english book, my water bottle and my blanket. I couldn't decide what book to read when I got there so instead I took a nap. for an hour and a half.

Now, I have this habit when I'm asleep in public places to snore. I have woken myself up on buses before. It's very very very embarrasing. So, in true Mandy Murray fashion, I was in full form that afternoon. I woke myself up snoring. talk about embarrasing.

I was telling the girl that I live with that I fell asleep in the park and that I started snoring. The word that I thought was snoring in french is gonffler. Turns out that means to get fat. So, instead of telling Emmanuel that I was snoring in the park, I told her I was getting fat in the park.

The french word for snoring is ronffler not gonffler.

de la classe. very classy.

your francophone, Mandy

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