Tuesday, November 14


ive been having trouble sleeping because im usually afraid my stuff is going to get stolen. so far, ive been lucky but you always hear horror stories of people who lose everything overnight. i also sleep with my passport under my pillow and my purse beside me. at least, if everything else gets stolen, i can immediately go home because having all of my stuff stolen would be an automatic ticket home for me.

in the hostel im staying in right now, they have a free breakfast every morning but only from 7-930 so if you want it ( which i always do) i have to get before then. now, normally, i would go back to bed but as well in this hostel, they close the whole thing down from 10-3 everyday for cleaning. this is a good idea because that means ( i hope) that the place actually gets cleaned but it is not good for me because i never get to sleep in.

also, in the hostel, they have showers which are pretty much like residence although; if you can actually picture it, they are SMALLER. i seriously can hardly turn around in them because obviously, you dont want to touch the sides for fear of what could be on them. they do not have anywhere to put your necessary-to-be-clean shower items such as shampoo.. so, you pretty much have to hold everything while trying to cleqn yourself. well, man, its ridiculous. im so glad no one can see me because i know i look ridiculous. all they would need is some kind of a shelve but i guess they dont think its necessqry, because lets face it, the people who own the hostel never shower there.

last night there was a school group that stayed on my floor. of course, the class has to be all boys and OF COURSE the teacher has no control over the class whatsoever. so, obviously the kids are running, screaming, yelling, pushing, knocking on everyones doors until all hours of the night and then again in the morning. if only i knew how to be angry in french and although working for citi in the summer and dealing with quebecers has taught me a little bit, it is unfortunatly not enough. so, point of story: i am tired today.

my task for today is looking for an apartment. i need my own spqce and some more permanent people.

i cant believe ive lasted here a week. paul is making me stay for at least a week... and i guess that was yesterday.. so, ive surpassed that. i told him on friday i was going to book my flight home for monday (yesterday) and he said that i wasnt going ot be booking my flight and that i should stay at least a week. he had said i would have regretted coming home so soon and i know now that i would have regretted that.. he right but dont tell him.. shhhhhhhhhh...

your francophone,

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