things here are good; i made it: and i found an internet cafe; and things are okay;; its overwhelming but ill get used to it;; its annoying because i have to carry everything zith me right now;; but its fun; the keyboards are so messed up; but im doing the best i can; it took me about 3 hrs to get to my destinqtion in paris... im on the outside of paris in montreuil and im staying in a hostel.. the subway system is very good here except that everything you want to switch lines, you have to go up a long flight on stairs and of course because i was carrying a HUGE 50 pound suitcase, this was very difficult. lots of people stopped to ask for help.. so that made it easier.. but just picture me trying to squeeze everything through a little entrance and then going dozn stairs, getting on the subway which isnt as fqst as toronto and then getting off at the right ti,e, still with all of my stuff.. THEN climbing up about 50 stairs with my luggage.. what should have taken me a half hour, took me 3 hrs.. good times; then i get to montreuil to the tourist office at 12pm; and apparently people in france take 2 hr lunches because the place doesnt open until 2 again; so; i sit around for a while, too tired to move anywhere. i finally get to a hostel and sleep until about 6.. and then i started walking around and ca,e across this internet cafe.. good times..
i hqvent really met anyone yet but i think thats because im outside of paris and there arent many tourists:: but hopefully i will mmet people tomorrow.. i also think i might have to move hostels so thatll be fun.. i cant wait to get settled..
alright; Iùm out of here.. brad set up a blog for me so Im going to start writing in it.. thanks Brad1 the address is check it out soon and hopefully ill have something zritten there:*
miss you and love you all,
your francophone,
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